We are all proud of something: our citizenship, heritage, success, or family are all examples. If you are a business owner and you make a …

Are you redesigning your website with mobile devices in mind? No? Did you originally design it that way? Did you just grab your tablet or …

Your website has the potential to generate MASSIVE amounts of leads for your business.   When optimized, it can be equivalent to your top salesperson—it …

In your real estate database of names (hopefully you are using a CRM with organized contact records) there are many types of home buyers. For …

Are you a real estate agent or broker?  If so, you need to automate your marketing process. Manual marketing is time consuming, expensive and often …

Now is the time to begin your Christmas and holiday preparations to your website. You only have 21 weeks left! I know, you think that’s …

Birthday emails typically see a better open and interaction rate than standard marketing emails. There are statistics that say the open rate is over 50% …

Surveys provide feedback, opinions, and information, and are valuable to a company’s marketing strategy.   Customers take expected steps when purchasing your services or researching …

Surveys and quizzes are becoming increasingly popular tools for online lead generation. This holds true for both the B2B and B2C market segments. Don’t confuse …

This is the fourth article in our series of posts surrounding brand strategy. This post focuses on including philanthropy and the spirit of giving back, …