Why You Need a Responsive Website

In today’s fast-paced, instant gratification, digital world, it is essential that your business has a mobile-friendly (responsive) website. So what exactly does this mean? In a nutshell, when your website is responsive, it means it looks great on desktop, mobile, and tablet.

While this sounds like a no-brainer that ALL websites would be responsive in today’s day and age, that’s simply not the case. Surprisingly many websites are not optimized for mobile and businesses are losing out on sales and engagement from both new and existing customers due to frustrations non-responsive websites present to the user. Such as inability to navigate the website with ease, unable to locate certain functions, and lack of functionality. 

These frustrations on mobile lead users to exit websites, abandon shopping carts, and turn to competitors for their needs. All of which negatively impact the impression of the brand and in turn, result in a loss of sales.

To add some context around this growing demand for mobile friendly sites, in 2017, nearly 56% of website traffic is coming from mobile devices….and that number is expected to continue to rise. Whoa!

The good news is, many Content Management Systems such as WordPress recognize the importance of websites adapting to various screen sizes and have systems in place to assist developers in building seamless mobile experiences for users. One of these features is viewport/content size. When this is properly configured, your site content adjusts to the proper width across mobile, tablet, and desktop which is so important to the mobile experience.


If you are unsure if your website is mobile friendly, run it through our Caffeine Website Analyzer tool and find out!