Add Philanthropy to Your Brand Strategy

This is the fourth article in our series of posts surrounding brand strategy. This post focuses on including philanthropy and the spirit of giving back, into your brand strategy (a small part of “Corporate Social Responsibility”). As mentioned in our first post on brand strategy, your brand is the feeling people get when they hear your name, see your materials or interact with you through a host of different ways.

Why Give Back?

By giving back you are subtly saying “thank you” to the community that helped to make you successful. Giving back doesn’t necessarily mean writing a check to a charity, it could include:


  • sponsoring a local youth sports team
  • donating product or service for a charity event
  • dedicating a portion of proceeds
  • hosting an event for the scouts
  • offering a college scholarship
  • funding scientific research
  • aligning your brand with another
  • matching employee gifts
  • volunteering your time.

What is important when deciding what to give back and who to give it to, are your motives and your expected outcomes. Do you need the tax write off? Want to honor an organization which propelled you to where you are today? Did a local group recently use your services or purchase a large quantity of product from you? The expected outcomes may include: publicity, improved reputation, a closer network.


“Try to leave the Earth a better place than when you arrived.” –Sidney Sheldon


Make sure in your plan, you work in how to convey your charitable giving to the public. Consider an email campaign, signs at the event, announcements of the charity’s success, for example. This will contribute to the emotional side of your customers and community, strengthening that positive brand vibe you are aiming for with your overall brand strategy.


Here at Caffeine, we are involved in our local community and truly enjoy the opportunities to interact with the citizens we live among. If you need some gentle guidance into the world of philanthropy for your business, contact us.