I recently read a LinkedIn post about 7 sources of churn with clients and I thought instead of presenting it as areas that upset clients, it could have been presented as an opportunity to showcase where clients find the most value. The listed issues can all be overcome with common sense ways a Customer Success Advocate and their team of Business Analysts, Designers, Developers, and Tech Support should work daily.
So, here are the 7 sources of churn based on this post, and the 7 ways we mitigate these issues.
The product does not help customers solve their problems or has major flaws
How we mitigate this issue: Our Business Analysts tease out the customer problem they are trying to solve.
Customers fail to achieve their long-term desired outcomes
How we mitigate this issue: Our Business Analysts are often also in the role of Product Manager and help our clients see the long term.
The product has usability issues causing customers to leave before they get value
How we mitigate this issue: Our Business Analysts work with design & dev to fix usability issues.
The onboarding does not deliver quick wins to get your customers’ buy-in for the long game
How we mitigate this issue: Our Business Analysts often look and go for the quick wins that the dev can start with.
Customers come with the wrong expectations and leave when they find out
How we mitigate this issue: Our Sales team sets the expectations.
The customer and the product are not the right fit
How we mitigate this issue: Customer Success represents our product and the relationship with the client.
Customer support does not resolve customer issues swiftly causing them to leave before they get value
How we mitigate this issue: Customer Success is the liaison between the client and dev and juggles dev priorities to keep customers happy.
Make a Wise Choice
We would love to add you to our Portfolio but only if we understand your issue, map out the project, listen to your concerns, plan for the future, and are as excited about MVP as you are. Check out some of our success stories here.