A Lesson on Owning Important Account Information and Managing Passwords

Do you know what Forrest Gump’s password was? ….. 1Forrest1. Cheesy? Well, maybe, but it was so fitting for today’s topic that I could not let that one go. In this post we are going to look at the importance of business owners owning important account information, credentials, and managing passwords within the organization.

Let’s Get Started!

As a web/software development company, the first step for us on projects is for the client to grant us access to existing accounts they have that are related to the web or app development process, such as WordPress, Mailchimp, and/or HostGator among a variety of others. We have found over the years that a lot of clients have to go ask several different people in and outside of their organization for account information. The most dreaded scenario is when we come to the conclusion that a previous developer signed them up for a particular service and we have to find a way to get that information.

Unfortunately, development cannot begin until we have access to these accounts. Having to track down passwords and account information slows the development process and delays project launch dates. Not to mention, having excellent password management processes in place can help streamline workflow in other areas of your business as well.

The Solution

The good news is, there are processes and systems that you can put in place to avoid finding yourself in this predicament.

Password Managers

Password managers such as LastPass are excellent tools that allow you to store several passwords under one master password. These managers also give you the capability to grant team members access to stored passwords.

Google Drive

Google Drive is an excellent resource that many organizations already use. While it doesn’t have a password management tool within it, it does allow only users within the organization to safely share files, like a list of passwords.


To ensure that your project doesn’t become delayed by something that could have been prevented, open an account with a password manager or start a Google doc and begin gathering account information and passwords your company currently has open. It won’t only help your project start on time, but it is good business practice in general to centralize a location for all existing account information.

If you want more tips on how to streamline your business, check out: Spreadsheets to Software: Step 1 – Identify the Problem.